Tag: blender

2020 Goals: Clothing and Texturing
Clothing and Texturing Another goal for the year is to create African themed clothing for all seven Kinara’s Children characters. In order to make new clothing, I use a combination of modeling new meshes (3D shapes) or downloading clothing meshes from various sources. Once sized and fitted to the figures, the meshes can be combined and retextured into brand new KC African style fashions. Read More …

Wakanda Fashion: Nia’s Black Panther Dreams
I’ve been a Black Panther fan for a very long time, dating back to the 70’s. Even though I was excited to learn of the recent, most excellent film just released I figured I wouldn’t be able to make any fan art because I’ve been totally focused on my ongoing project, Kinara’s Children.
Well never say never, because it turns out that little Nia is a fan too. So I thought I’d whip up this little costume using Blender (natch), and hook Nia up with an early Halloween outfit. Read More …

African 3D Art: Fertility Doll Rigged for Blender
Well I guess she’s getting down! This is the fun part. Experimenting and learning new stuff. My character Nia needs a prop. Like Ujima has his tool belt and Kuji has her books. What better for a young child than a doll. Not just any doll but this Ashanti Akua’maa. It’s purpose is to help teach young girls how care for a newborn and to ensure healthy children Read More …

This is How I Do It
People frequently ask me how I make my artwork. It’s mostly 3D based, using a process I call Virtual Photography, 3D objects are arranged in space (vertical, horizontal and distance), colored, lit with virtual lighting and photographed with virtual cameras (what’s known as a render). Once the scene or object is rendered it’s cleaned up, filtered, or further arranged in a 2D software application. The approach Read More …

African Masks-3D Modeling
So this is something new I’ve been working on for the last month or so. I’m slowly teaching myself 3D modeling using Blender in order to create and modify simple objects for use in my Poser art. Here are two masks modeled after authentic sources, textured, and set up for display. I expect these to turn up in some of my other artwork in Read More …